Monday, March 25, 2013

Over A Thousand

This post was supposed to have been out over a month ago. But then I had my board exams again , so meh.

So yeah , my blog just reached a thousand views.
You can hopefully see the views on the counter to your right. ( Probably somewhere in 1200 by now )

Aaaaaand yup. It's a great deal for me.
It's a great deal that a stupid old blog that I put up less than a year ago with writing less than one blog post each month was viewed over a thousand different times.

And if you're reading this right now , then you've added to this number as well , and so I must say :

Thanks for making my blog an awesome place , no matter how shitty it still is.

A thousand views gives us a fair number of people to study this blog's general characteristics.
Let's take a look at some of these details.

First off , the number of views each month seems to be consistent. Never falling below thirty but never rising above two hundred. Although the blog is only ten months old , the largest number of views came during April  2012 with a count of 177. And lowest during May 2012 with just 32 views.

Then , if we shall look into each of my posts individually , it seems that Influence got the highest number of individual views - 73. Although it's hard to measure individual views because apparently a lot of viewers don't actually click at specific blog links but rather just view them directly from the homepage. This won't count as an individual view though.

Among the websites which referred to my blog , the one which attracted the maximum number of viewers is Facebook. I got over 200 views from there. Next is my own website ( giving me another 150 views and also there's Google Plus , helping with a close 100 views. Google Search as well seems to have hit my blog up by contributing around 110 direct viewers. Twitter and other social networks seems do have done negligible work along with some other blogs and posts which referred to my blog.

Let's go to countries. The majority of my viewers were from from the United States of America. That's 458 views. Next is India - 390. More than 100 viewers were also Russian , with Ukraine, China and France giving me more than 50 each. Italy, Romania, Australia and Germany managed to contribute viewers in the double digit as well.

Google Chrome was used by 35% of my viewers. Internet Explorer by 30% and Firefox by 27%. Opera, Safari, Maxthon and browsers with weird names consisted less than 2% each of my viewers.

Windows was the Operating System of choice for 85% of my viewers. Macintosh and Linux was used by 5% each. Android, iPhone, iPad, Nokia and others being used less than 3% of the time each.

Yup that's it. I have a fairly interesting set of viewers here. It would include you of course , don't forget.
And most importantly , thank you for being awesome again.

Hopefully , you guys will take my blog a long way.