Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Artificial Intelligence

This post is part of the "First Few Old Blog Posts" archive.
You could expect a certain lack of coherency/maturity from these posts.

Note from author: 
None of this text is guaranteed to be true or considered a fact as the field of study has a considerable margin for error. This is just an approach at calculated assumptions to better understand the beginning of AI and how it functions and propogates behind the scenes. There is a high chance that some lines here can be proven WRONG as per standards

Allright then , Artificial Intelligence -
What it means in the simplest level:
The ability to make a decision by oneself based on a combination of circumstances , advantage , consequences and personal favours

To simulate the human thinking process whose characteristic features are to be parallel and seemingly random

And thus we arrive to-
The root of Artificial Intelligence:
Random. Just being randomly random. The key to AI is to implement this randomness which is similar to the random thoughts of the human mind

Level 1 - Random choice between 2 options :
Technical - 0 , 1
Application - Yes , No

Level 2 - Random choice between finite options :
Technical - A , B , C , D , E , F
Application - Red , Blue , Black

Level 3 - Make an independent decision
Technical - Corrupt Memory. Decision to proceed
Application - Someone unknown to you , throws a punch at your face all of a sudden. Response to that action

Artificial Intelligence at its maximum will be capable of distinguishable characteristics of a human. Keeping secrets , having dreams , emotion etc. Although it is technically impossible for a machine to feel emotion , an imitation is what could be achieved.

The ultimate evolution will take place when the AI will be powerful enough to develop AI by itself. The potential of development then will be massive. But with every shred of success , comes a significant amount of danger. Machines , if out of control , could end up wiping out the whole of the human race with the mental capabilities of a human. Alas , with the opportunity of a gigantic scientific evolution comes the potential of the  Armageddon.

Levels of AI simulation:

Level 1 - 100% random
No relation of output with input and output generated would probably have been the same if another input was given

Level 2 - Imitation at reality
Not what we call REAL AI. But behaves into making you believe that it is. Just an imitation of intelligent talk.
Dis-functions when you try smart conversation

Level 3 - REAL AI
Behaves in every way that matters , as another human would with Level 3 of the random levels.

Level 4 - FULL AI
Processing and non redundant capabilities of a machine combined with the mental superiority of humans would be able to create AI by itself and will be a master at perfection.

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