Friday, November 28, 2014

Running a craftbukkit minecraft server for less than 512MB of RAM

Note: This post is not for those looking to run a server on a Raspberry Pi. There's a lot of guides for that, and you don't need any additional help

If you play minecraft, you probably know how memory demanding this game can be. This is the same with minecraft servers as well, and if you're running craftbukkit with a good amount of plugins involved, you might as well just have sold your RAM sticks to Satan himself.

The problem is, a lot of people like me might not have enough RAM on our systems, but we still want to run one of those fancy community minecraft servers anyway. So what do we do to solve the impossible?

Well in my case, the machine I wanted to run a bukkit server on was a Digital Ocean VPS that I rented primarily to host my website. Unfortunately, my droplet featured only a 512MB memory module and my LAMP package took up a good percentage of that. So that left me with something close to 350MB of memory for anything else.
Having had experience at running heavy bukkit servers on my home desktop before, I knew that if I ever wanted to run a minecraft server off this system, I'd have to come up with a good solution.

If you've done a bit of research prior to reading this post, you'll know that Spigot is an optimized version of craftbukkit for this very purpose. So the first thing I did was simply drop the spigot jar file on my VPS and run this command :

java -Xms192M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -jar spigot.jar

Everything loaded up fine, but whenever I connected to it via my Minecraft client, the Java process got killed by the OS. I tweaked around with the Xms and Xmx flags in the command but no matter what, the server process never survived after a player connecting. All I could see was "Killed" before the process exited and I was sent back to the command line.

After lots of searching on Google and posting on forums, I got the same answer everywhere:

I simply did not have enough RAM on my machine. 

Almost ready to give up, I found this post on my VPS company's support forum.
All Digital Ocean droplets came along with SSD drives for hard storage. In that context, the answer made a lot of sense. Even if the java process did use some of my SSD for memory, the fact that they were Solid State Disks, and not regular Hard Disks should reduce the lag issue that arises from this solution by a huge factor.
Turns out, my VPS did not have swap enabled by default, so I followed the guide provided for my version of Ubuntu to set it up.

Once done, I launched the minecraft server, and voila! It's been running ever since, even with a couple of bukkit plugins attached.
So in summary. if you have less memory to run a minecraft server, the most likely solution is to use a swap file/drive along with your system.

Hopefully, this guide has helped you learn some concepts at least if not for directly helping you out with your issue. If you have the time, feel free to drop by my minecraft server. Point your clients to "" and you should be set.

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